Get excited to play as black against e4!
What you'll learn
The extremely clever idea behind 2...a6
Why you don't need to memorize a lot of theory
How to start playing the O'Kelley Variation in LESS THAN 20 MINUTES
Make sure you do this to keep your opponents confused
The HEDGEHOG is your friend - concepts, ideas, and major plans
An alternative against the Maroczy bind for aggressive players
Major ideas against White's best reply - c3
Remember: You don't have to remember it all!
Example games when white plays 3.d4 - OOPS!
Example games with the HEDGEHOG!
Example games against 3.c3 - the toughest line!
Tactics exercises taken from games out of the O'Kelley variation
You may now call yourself a "Sicilian Player" ;-)
A super simple PDF guide to easily remember the KEY IDEAS AND PLANS
Win with black against e4!
- 14 lessons
- 1.5 hours of video content